Mount ext2/3/4, NTFS file systems

Mac OS X does not have native kernel support for the ext2/3/4 file systems used by most Linux distributions and the NTFS file system used by Windows. MacFUSE, OSXFUSE, and Fuse4X are loadable kernel modules for Mac OS X based on the GPLed Linux module FUSE, which provides a “bridge” to the kernel interfaces and allows file system code to run in user space. fuse-ext2, NTFS-3G for Mac OS X, and NTFS for Mac OS X are file systems built on top of FUSE.

  • First of all, download and install MacFUSE. With 64-bit OS X, you also need to install macfuse-core-10.5-2.1.9.dmg and in sequence. (MacFUSE is no longer maintained by its original author. Alternatively, you can use OSXFUSE which is a drop-in replacement for MacFUSE. You need to enable MacFuse Compatibility Layer during the installation of OSXFUSE.)
  • For ext2/3/4 support, install fuse-ext2. If the hard drive does not auto-mount, mount it manually with something like “mkdir /Volumes/disk2s1 && fuse-ext2 /dev/disk2s1 /Volumes/disk2s1”
  • Download and install NTFS-3G for Mac OS X from here. If needed, mount manually using “mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/disk2s1 /Volumes/disk2s1”


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